Thursday, 24 July 2008

A shining star, in the mist of stars

Dear Blog,

I write to you as a man looking for what cannot be found. The men whom I entrusted failed me, long have I have walked with them, journey with them, fought with them and eat with them. Long have I looked for leaders who will commit their life to the commandments of the Lord. In times of peace and rest, they prove worthy. But in times of help and need, their rescued was slowed and reluctanted.

My enemies laughed and mocked me. Their words are like a thousand arrows piercing me, and I am as one who was being sent to be slaughtered. Their tongues are evil, their language are venomous.

As I seek the counsel of my Lord, I cried out

"My God, my God, where are the leaders that You appointed? Where are the leaders that You anointed? To whom may I seek? To whom may I trust?"

I am despair, for my livning leaders are as good as those who are dead.
My spirit is downcast.

And there before me, were a shining star, in mist of dead stars. Her name was pledge, pledge to the God Almighty. She was with me at the start of my birth, and through my journey of life, she was there. Yet I took no notice of her in the mist of confusion, belittle her, I did.

But she rised up to the called of my distressed, even if I do not notice. She stand firm in her actions and leadership. She rised above all my leaders, for her heart is for the people and her mind is of God.

Let her youth not be taken lightly, for it is written:

“I am young in years,and you are aged;therefore I was timid and afraidto declare my opinion to you.
“I said, ‘Let days speak,and many years teach wisdom.’
“But it is the spirit in man,the breath of the Almighty, that makes him understand.
“It is not the old who are wise,nor the aged who understand what is right."

~Job 32:6 - 8

I am proud of her, like a father to a child.
She has mature in spirituality and understanding in the glory of our Father in heaven.
I found my strength once more, my spirit is renew like a fresh water that burst from the ground.
And I raised my voice to praise His name! In His glory may I dwell...

Then enemies have fled, without a trace, without a trail.
The victory is mine once more...
To the glory of the risen King!

Abba Father, I thank You for leaders in Christian Fellowship. Both true leaders and acting leaders. Lord, I ask in many ways that would You pour down Your blessing upon them. Lord let them dwell in Your mercy and grace. May Your love be upon them this day until You call them home... And Lord I thank You for the leader whom have Your heart, even in her studies and work by You pour down Your double portion of blessing and gifts. I pray Lord that she would commit herself in Your perfect hands, just as the name says "a vow in God". So Lord bless all leaders in Christian Fellowship. In Your name I ask... AMEN...

For Him, In Him & Through Him only I live...
Luke Zachary

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