Friday, 18 June 2010

Day 2

Dear Blog...

And to me beloved too whom I am writing to,

Now its 1600hrs... I reach home early today as there was nothing much to do in camp. Times like these hardly comes but when it does, there was no one to go out with.

Nonetheless, I am glad that I came home just on time to chat with you on Skype, even though we are 12hrs apart but technology has made us semi-omnipresent. We are no God, our love is from God because our love is in Christ and in Him only that we are made possible of this relationship. There are no authority on earth that can separate us, except the ones who have given the authority above, Our Father Himself, to the people for His glory and His glory only.


Abba Father... I thank you truly for this love. This chance and this give of relationship. It is part and puzzle of life yet you have made it so special and unique, a pleasure for all man and women. That in this love we may know you more, that in this love we may be closer to you, that in this love we may bear the fullest of Christ in our thoughts and in our being. Thank you Lord for everything... Amen

For Him, In Him & Through Him only I live...
Luke Zachary

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