Tuesday, 15 April 2008

First day of School...

Yesterday I had a wonderful Sunday with my Father. The Vine Church in Hong Kong came down to my church (Charis). Their brought down our band (Vine Band) together as well, the service was good and I will post a sermonette on my sermonette post really soon (once I find time). The service ended quiet late but I manage to get to my work area on time (Airport). I went to have brunch and bought dinner because I would be working at T3 and the terminal have really expensive food. To my joy or horror, which I am still confuse. I realised that I do not have to work! There were some miscommunication, so I took the chance and went down to Ngee Ann Polytechnic to meet my dear since she would be there doing the decoration before Monday because of the CCA drive. So I spent the evening and night with her and the rest of the CFers...

Today I woke as slightly later then the time I wanted to. But it's ok, I reached 5mins later then suppose to( Not too late). I spent my day adjusting back to school life and I really want to work hard for this coming year... then I ended at 3pm and headed to CF room to relax and wait for Eugene to come at 5pm to fix my wife(Guitar) and Eliza to prepare worship songs for Tuesday. Then Nicodemus, Michelle, Ian and my dear came to Singapore Polytechnic to have dinner... After dinner, Addison who came along the way, sent dear home since he is driving. And I took a train with the rest except Michelle who took a bus back. Once I reach home, I have been doing admin (which I hate most) and manage to finish them.

I am currently having headache and telling my dear would mean a scolding for her. Well she is sleeping now and I feel a need to have her close to me... But having her sleeping would means that she would have more rest and that would be what I want from her as well.
I love you Dear...

My head hurts really bad, could be the lack of rest or even pressure that my ministry is giving. But I hope that God would help it right now... ha ha... I can't type and think anymore... I shall end it here...

"Heal me, O Lord , and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise. " Jeremiah 17:14

Thank you Lord for today. Thank you Lord for tomorrow. Thank you Lord for Katherine

For Him, In Him & Through Him only I live...
Luke Zachary

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