Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Busy day...

Today was not very good, I slept late in the morning. Missed one lesson but manage to reach on time for the second lecture. Well my day went quite bizarre, well I guess things could be very simple but I tend to micro-manage and get stress up by every single thing... Ha ha...

But it when quite well after that, Uncle Dauglas came to share with us about evangelism. The brought out a point that "If Jesus whom we claim Him to be, is more unique than any one on earth. He had a unique birth, unique life, unique death and a unique resurrection. For He a our saviour and a Son of the Almighty God.

"and behold, a voice from heaven said, "This is my beloved Son,* with whom I am well pleased." Matthew 3:17

Now after knowing Jesus Christ, die for us... All of us. Are we going to keep this good news amount people? Are we going to keep this knowledge of Christ to ourselve? Is it not that Christ came to save all and not a few?

"The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost. " 1 Timothy 1:15


After that I had dinner with my CFers and guess what? Three new faces came! Praise the Lord! then I rush down to Cathay to watch Jeremy's performance with Amos, Peggy, my dear, Dawn, Eugene and his dear (Emily) at Ben and Jerey. The ice-cream was good... Ha ha... After that I sent my dear home...

Well along the trip i was very tired cause I had a long day, when I am tired I tend get grumpy and easily getting hot temper. I am sorry dear, I did not meant to. I was just tired and can't really think of what to say and what words should I use. I am sorry...

Well... I guess I am quite tired easily because of the workload I am carrying... But I guess I should find rest in Him so that I can be a better steward for God.

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

Thank you Father that you have shared with me today,
Lord I ask that would you give me enough rest...

For Him, In Him & Through Him only I live...
Luke Zachary

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