Tuesday, 10 June 2008

The unfoRgiviNG SUN & the Lol~man~ticks (Romantic) niTez

Yup you got me right... "THE UNFORGIVING SUN" the shine its blazing heat onto my beautiful body... And I got badly burn.. *OUCH*

They shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore;the sun shall not strike them,nor any scorching heat." Revelation 7:16

HOw I hope for this day... =D

My dear and I went to Sentosa yesterday to have a wonderful retreat/rest/relax day. It was pretty nice though. The beach, the strong breeze, the salty sea water, my dear and not to forget the BLAZING HOT SUN. Haha...

When I woke up in the morning looking at the sky filled with clouds, I feared that the heavens will open up its gate and pour down the showers of blessing. So while I was bathing, I asked Ah Pa to give us a good weather when there is strong sun. YUp, He gave it to me... Haha...

We met about 0945am at harbor front bus interchange, had our breakfast then we head off to Tanjong Beach in Sentosa.

We swim until early evening and we when for dinner followed by watching "Songs of the Sea". My favourable part of the show was the "lady of the light" its when the laser beam shine across the sky. It gives a transparent celling/roofing kind of give, I was mesmerized.

To end of the night, we strolled on the 120-metre-long Gaudi-inspired mosaic walkway also know as the "Merlion Walk" and soon after we walked to Mount Imbiah.

Well, I enjoyed my day in the embrace of my dear.. Opps>>> Haha... but it was a time can we two come together to relax. Well I guess I am a pretty busy man, not that I want to be but things around me does not give me any leeway to have time for her.

I guess there are three main 'T' factors that plays a part in every relationship.




That goes to everyone out there! Be it a family or friend. This three Ts are equally important!

I thank You Father for yesterday, I thank you for You hold fast to us before we hold fast to You, You given us what is Good before we ask and when we asked You gave more then we could hold. Lord, You alone are beautiful and wonderful is Your name. How great are Your ways and how mighty are Your work. Lord I asked that would you hold us together on this path that our lives is and are for only one purpose, to glorify and magnify Your holy name. Amen...

For Him, In Him & Through Him only I live...
Luke Zachary

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