Thursday, 22 May 2008

20mins before lunch break ends & 3am in the morning

Hello... Its me again...

It is soon to be a month since i last wrote... Well many things had happen.. Both good and bad are included.

Met my dear's mum and her family on Mother's day dinner... I felt quite out of place there, but oh well.. haha... They are friendly and nice, but still I had an interesting time.. Haha...

Then met my dear's good friends aka "judges from hell". Yup and I got "suan" bully here and there... Haha... Girl power, I SUPPOSE...

Then tests and tests, assignment after assignment.. I can hardly breathe... But I guess these all these are pushing me to the limit and I need air to breathe and truly, it affect my relationship with my dear... Well I said a few mean things.. OK LA... I was been very mean to her and she teared...


But I really love her and it is not my wish or enjoyment to make her cry... really!

Anyway... I hope that throughout everything you would still love me the same way as I do. And before Ah Pa says anything, I would want to hold your hand and walk on this path.. :)

I thank You Father for giving me such a thoughtful Soul~mate and even through hard times she would stay by my side to hug and hold me tight... Lord Father, what can I do to thank You? What can I say to thank You? Lord, You are good, Your ways are good, Your love is good and You are AWESOME! I asked Abba Father, may I walk and live in your statues all the day of my life. May you give me a pure heart that I may seek you. May you bless my dear that she would bless people around her as well.. All these I asked in no other name...

For Him, In Him & Through Him only I live...
Luke Zachary

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