Sunday, 14 September 2008

A really SICK dae...

Dear Blog...

Yesterday, I was feeling terrible... My whole body was aching, my head was really heavy and my breathing was straining. I was in a position that I thought I was going to die, but the thought that came to me was that if really my time is up and I am going to be called home, I would die in the arms I love. And that was what I did! I crawled for my bed to my bathroom, then from my house to KAP (King Albert Park) just to in on time to meet my beloved after her cell group. My journey there was tough. Many a time I felt that I would die on the bus, but when I reach KAP, I told myself that I am this close in seeing her, and even I use every single strength I have to climb that stairs I will. So I slowly, bit by bit, step by step make my way up the stairs and eventually sat down at a table where I could secretly look at her without her notice so that I would not disturb the cell. And I sat there for an hour.

Even siting there was hard cause I felt that breathing was difficult and my body was in pain. But I remained sited looking at her, soon one hour has pass and she called me. I told her I was at the table near her. Then I make my way towards her table, after dragging myself there, I greeted everyone there, as much as I wanted to look lively, I failed badly as my body was not helping much. Miko brought me a hot cup of Milo while asking me to look after myself. Then everyone in the cell group left and my dear and I went to cold storage to buy some medication and water for me. I actually wanted to go out as it was my off day but my dear insisted that I go home due to my fever.

My journey was a very tough one for Kat, as she tries to support me and carry my bag. She was asking why my bag was so heavy, I told her that I brought out admin stuff from camp as I cannot afford to slack even when I am sick. But soon I realised that I am in a terrible condition, and the bag that I brought in fact did nothing more then increasing the burden I am in now. I then somehow feels that I was a burden to her. But she gently hold me and make sure I am not feeling terrible in anyways. She then brought me home while I collapse on my bed.

She took a bowl of water and a towel and slowly wiping my body and forehead to cool down my temperature. Then I took medication and when back to sleep. Soon it was getting dark and I suddenly remembered that Kat has a party to go. When I asked her, she says that she cannot go to the party without worrying for me. She would rather stay to look after me. And she did...

She brought me dinner while I took a bath to cool myself down. After she came back and unpack the food, and place in front of me. I did not even eat 1/4 of it. I was feeling terrible and when back to sleep. While she cleans up and wash the bowl. I soon feel like throwing up and I rush to the toilet and throw up everything. Everything... Then my stomach start to have cramps and I was feeling terrible. As I crawl back to bed, I was gently been put back to sleep by Kat and soon she felt asleep too. I believed she was very tired as I was woken up by her snores (oops). Soon it was getting late and she has to home before her dad kill her. After opening the door for her, I went back to sleep.

Today I felt much better... ^.^ and I am going to church now before I am late... bye bye...

Abba Father, I thank You for your healing hands. But I truly thank you for the illness as well, when I see Your love through her. I sense that the fact that my illness was not the highlight of yesterday but Your love through her. I prayed Lord Father would you bless her in every ways and Lord... Make me the person who is deserving for her love Lord... As I seek Your face Lord, would you grant me peace in my heart, Father protect me today as I work... I ask that would you teach me Your ways that I may follow... Amen...

I really love you dear... I really do...

For Him, In Him & Through Him only I live...
Luke Zachary

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