Saturday, 16 January 2010

Living in a world of my own...

Dear Blog...

Its been a year and four months since I wrote in you and in my

Reason being that there is nothing much to write about any more. The voices of God vanished from my life, I no longer hear Him, see Him or even feel Him anymore, maybe it's my fault for not desiring Him, maybe it's my fault for not trying. But I am tired of running this senseless race, I am throwing my towel, walking away from the path He desired for me.

"Vanity of Vanities, all is Vanity"
~ Ecclesiastes 1: 2

Everything that is of this world is nothing but Vanity. I am a nobody but a passing wind, undesired, unnoticed person living in a world of his own delusion. Pretending that I make impact to someone, someday. Betraying my mind of thinking I touched and changed someone's life, but no claims, no affirmation... No remembrance, no trace of records I ever did. King of ministry? Sorry Brother, I am nothing but a passing wind. No legacy that I left behind, I am just a tool that was used and dispose by the very nature of creation.

I am leaving from my once called home...

Another reason that I do not blog. Cause no one ever care reading on them...

No prayer this time... Shalom to myself...

1 comment:

Kath3rine said...

baby on for the Lord is faithful. ((: am sure u're getting on better now yea? spiritual dryness is but a passing phase.. and babe...cos ppl like us create rather "un=updated" blogs..that's why ppl dun read.. so not cos they dun wanna k? loves loves..dun emo le ((: muacks ((: