Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Count down to Dar Dar's USA trip

Dear Blog...

And to me beloved too whom I am writing to,

Remember yesterday when I receive a call? It was my squadron that call back because I fill it in wrongly, well... It isn't much a problem, it just been made worst by the IC. As I was calmly answering and replying to my friend who was on the line, I can clearly overhear the unpleasant background. I truly swallow even pride or dignity that I have yesterday on the phone.

There is no pride, glory or even honor in Air-force. It just a pile of deep dung for people to step in, we are required to work like regulars, but we are paid with peanuts. We are expected to work like we know everything, but when things happen we get scolding we are not worth a cent...

So much for having 'A HIGHER PURPOSE'... Ever since I am qualified, everyday I get scolding after scolding. Everyday I drag myself to work, I lost confidence, totally demoralize. The colours of my life seems to slowly fade off...

But waking up next to you, opening up my eyes to see you put back the colours of my life... You complete everything good that this world is not, you bring joy, pure joy into my life. A blessing from God that I would and could not be anymore grateful for. Thank You I can't imaging my life without you in the five weeks to come...

My next few blogs would be my blogs for you baby...


Luke Zachary

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