Sunday, 20 June 2010

Day 4

Dear Blog...

And to me beloved too whom I am writing to,

I woke up at 9.30am today because I was not needed to play the guitar and so I thought I could sleep in more... Well I did... and was really late, I reached church at about 11.30am. I then invited Ron(The new young man aka youth) to do a little jamming with us. He was a fantastic guitar player... Haha... Then I went out to have lunch with Melvin, Andrew, Wei Ming and Carol at Raffles City. The Japanese Mache style restaurant. Wow, the food there is really good. Then we head over to Bugis as our dear Carol wanted to do some shopping with friends over there, we walked to bugis and soon enter the arcade to play a few games. We tried the basket ball thingy game and score 624 points where the high score was 642, we were pretty close. Haha... We then head over to Iluma to seek for LAN-Gaming. But it was too pricey and we abort the mission, I then head over to Newton to have dinner with my barker boys. Jeremiah, Tey, Loy, Zi yang, Mark, Alfred, Jerey's Girl friend and Jane. I then found out a few shocking news...

1) All have change their ride. Cars, Bikes.
2) Zi Yang broke up with Jane, Mark broke up with Geraldine and now Mark is with Jane... ???
3) Bertram (the cyclist) met an accident 2 months ago, His friends and him were doing their normal cycling when a drunken driver ran over them from the back. Bertram was then sent into intensive ward for 2 months while his friend... He did not make it... Bertram has fully recover now and waiting for the police to file a report to charge the drunken driver so that he can claim from him all that was needed.
I was shocked that I could almost lose a friend so easily...
4)Darren Chan was married a few months ago... I did not even know!

Yup I truly missed out a lot from them this pass few years... Felt really bad...

Anyway... I enjoyed myself today... Wish you were here... Love...

Abba Father... You are always here, in our lives... You are a sovereign God and our lives is in your hands, by Your Word we are given life, by Your Word we will return to you. We know where we belong Lord, in Your presence. But there are those who do not. I asked simply for Your favor and chance You would give to them to receive Your Word as our lives are short. Dear Father, use us mightily to complete Your work on earth as Your kingdom approach nearer each day... So Lord in every place that we are right now... Use us. Thank You Lord... For You are Good all the time. Amen...

For Him, In Him & Through Him only I live...
Luke Zachary

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