Monday, 21 June 2010

Day 5

Dear Blog...

And to me beloved too whom I am writing to,

I had camp today at 1000hrs. Thinking that I would head home straight at the test, but halfway through my journey to camp on train, I received a call from squadron saying that I have to head back to squadron once I am done... Totally sianed... So after the test my buddies and I hang out at Malcolm Canteen for awhile, trying to drag time so I would not have to head back to squadron so soon. After lunch, knowing that I have to face the fact, I said bye to all my buddies as some are heading over for medical check up and some heading home. I suggested to another friend (only two of us need to go back) that we should can the driver to give us a lift so that we would not have to walk. Yup and He came to pick us up. While in the journey, as he was our squadron driver, he has to pick some other that was working. And when we reach the destination, the person open the door and looked at us. He was the Warren Officer who ask us to come back to squadron to do work as there was short of man power. He looked at us as said. "Sorry, I believe so two can go home now... There has been a change of plans, do not need you two anymore..." I was overjoyed, and sianz at the same time (Cause by now I could be at AMK le). Anyway, head home to use comp and saw you online. Watch a few movies while you were asleep and now talking to you as a type this as it is morning for you over there now.. So... Conclusion, I love you still... >.<

Abba Father... I pray that would You guide Katherine this day as she head over to her new school and environment, I asked that would You protect her, watch over her and empower her for Your glory today... Amen..

For Him, In Him & Through Him only I live...
Luke Zachary

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